Basic & Master Training
You want to learn how to use our products correctly and how to analyze the scans? Then contact us for a Tero Vido individual training via . It does not matter where you live, we also come to you. The Tero Vido individual training is offered worldwide and in our company.
*individual Training is also offered by our distributers
You can choose between the „Basic Training“ and the „Master Training“:
The basic training includes the following topics:
- Operation of the software Tero Vido® 3D
- Carrying out ground scans and ground measurements
- Analyzing measurement data
The master training includes the following topics:
- Training on the complete product line of Tero Vido®
- Operation of the software Tero Vido® 3D
- Carrying out ground scans and ground measurements on different ground conditions
- Fundamental knowledge of geophysical measurements and techniques
- In-depth analysis of measurement data
- Techniques of knowledge transfer to act as a trainer for Tero Vido® products

Tero Vido GmbH
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 90
4600 Altenburg Germany
Phone & Mail
+49 (0) 3447 - 5124993
Working Hours
Week Days: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm