Last weekend Tero Vido was in Römerberg, because the annual Sondelpower Gold rally took place there. We had bombastic weather with a lot of sun and high temperatures, which was an advantage for the event.

Who took part at the organization?
The event was organized and sponsored by our dealer Benjamin Czerny, who owns the Sondelpowershop ( However, there were also other sponsors, such as „Relikte der Geschichte“ (, Axel Thiele from the „DSU“ (Deutsche Sondengänger Union,, Jochen Reifenrath from „Abenteuer Schatzsuche“ ( and of course Tero Vido. There was also a lot of support from the probe group „Gold Diggers“ ( and the Russian treasure hunt community „Russkamrad“ (
Relikte der Geschichte Gold Diggers Russkamrad Russkamrad
What was the rally about?
The event started at 10 a.m. and there were around 250 people, all excited about the upcoming rally and the prizes that could be won. The rally was about finding buried coins. These each coin had a number which was assigned to a certain material prize. There were a total of 40 prizes, including gold coins, silver treasures, detectors and one of our Tero Vido Expander 3D systems as the main prize. The participants enjoyed the rally a lot. Two participants even found real old gold coins from Roman times, which was a highlight!

An happy winner!
The main prize of the rally, a Tero Vido Expander, was won by 14-year-old Lucas. He was very happy about it.

Consultations and demonstrations
In addition to the rally, visitors could also get advice or watch device demonstrations. Axel Thiel from the „Deutsche Sondengänger Union“ carried out many consultations, which the visitors were very happy about. The „DSU“ is a protection association for probe users and is committed to ensuring that e.g. the hobby of probing is decriminalized, fair cooperation with responsible monument authorities is established and much more.

At our Tero Vido stand there were also a lot of consultations and device demonstrations, with Steffen Reiche from „Schatzsucher Online“ and Benjamin Czerny actively supporting us.
Steffen Reiche „Schatzsucher Online“ Benjamin Czerny (Sondelpowershop) with Eric Köster (CEO of Tero Vido)
Of course they also took care of catering, with the hot temperatures and a competition, food and drink were a must.
Thank you!
The event came to an end around 5 p.m. and we can say we had a wonderful day. Thank you to Benjamin Czerny for inviting us to the Sondelpower Gold Rally. We felt very familiar and at home and we thank everyone who took part in this event and who took part in the organization.
We hope to see you again next year, it was an honor and a pleasure to have been there.