On August 26, the exhumation of the remains of Major General of the Soviet Army Nikolai Yakunin (1902-1944) began in Madona, Latvia. Military Archaelogy Legenda (https://www.legenda-archaeology.com/), which performs the exhumation, used our Tero Vido X2021 Pro. „Legenda“ has received information from the Foreign Ministry that Russia has agreed to the transfer of the Major General. The reason for the exhumation is the reburial of the Major General and his monument in the Brethren´s Cemetery in Madona. The reburial process is expected to last until 30 September.

Major General Nikolai Yakunin was a high-ranking officer in the Red Army. In 1944 he was wounded deadly and has fallen in the 2nd world war. He was buried in front of a school in Madona which in those times had been used as a war hospital. That´s the reason they now want to bury him at the Brethren´s Cemetery.

Yakunin had a successful military career. He participated in the Finnish occupation. On September 30, 1944, he was mortally wounded and taken to Madona, to a military hospital established at the school, but he died at the hospital. His wounds had been provoked by a mortar which whom the car was shot. The incident happened in the vicinity of Ērgļi. The Red Army used to deal with it´s victims rather carelessly because a memorial placed in a public place was more important than the content of the burial. There is a possibilty that there are remains of other people in this graveyard. A lot of burials had happened near the school in Madona, but those were already moved to the Brethren’s Cemetery. Major General Yakunin is the only one left.
Tero Vido is excited about being a part of those historical happenings.
*Source: https://neatkariga.com/opinions/355869-an-important-red-army-member-will-be-reburied-in-madona)